
How I Can Help

How I work

I have worked with authors as an editor for years. In that time, I’ve found many aren’t quite ready for a copyedit (grammar corrections at the sentence level) because much of the story needs tweaks first. While I love doing copyediting for stories, I’d rather help them be more efficient by making the story level corrections first through a manuscript evaluation or coaching, before we get to the sentence level edits. I’ve adapted my services to help the author take care of the story level first, then move onto copyediting.

I’d love to chat with you if you have more questions about this, but I’ve listed my services below. Feel free to contact me on my contact page.

Story Development

Do you have an idea for a story but aren’t sure where to start? Do you already have a story, but feel stuck in the mud of monotony and aren’t sure how to get out? I’ll work with you to build a strong foundation for your story, find a niche for it in the marketplace, see the big picture, and get you started with an outline that will carry your reader along from page one until the last page. You are the only one who can write the story in your mind. I can help you pull that story out and get it onto the page with this book coaching service.

At the conclusion of our work, you will have:

  • a vision of your book in the marketplace, including a summary, POV, objectives for the characters, end goal for main character, and much more
  • education on a process that can be duplicated for future stories
  • regular deadlines, cheerleading, accountability, feedback to dive deeper into the story and characters, consistency of input, and more
  • an outline that drives the reader through the story and can be used effectively for writing and revision

Manuscript Evaluation

Is something not working in your story? Are you getting interest from agents, but not hearing back or not getting the response you want? I can offer a full manuscript evaluation to help pinpoint areas that need improvement, strengths you can build on, and find a way forward. This package of book coaching works at the highest level to help you pinpoint issues for revision to tighten up your manuscript and get it ready for agents and readers.

At the conclusion of our work, you will have:

  • a detailed list of existing strengths
  • a prioritized list to improve, with suggestions on possible solutions
  • a plan of action so you can move forward in confidence

Writing and Revision Book Coaching

Overwhelmed by the writing and revision process? I can help. With weekly deadlines each month, you’ll have consistency to help you walk through the writing or revision for your novel.

For each deadline:

  • regular deadlines to submit new or revised pages for feedback
  • a Zoom call where we’ll go over feedback, questions, brainstorming and anything else needed
  • we’ll talk about next steps for each new deadline


Has your manuscript been through intensive revisions? The story tight and without plot holes? Is character development solid? Sounds like you’re ready for a copyedit to get the manuscript polished. This will be a line-by-line detailed edit, looking at grammar, word choice, punctuation, and cleaning up confusing sentences. Ask about a discount if you’ve worked with me to get your manuscript to this stage.